At Morley Place Academy we are very proud of the support that we offer to our pupils and families, when pupils are identified with a need that requires SEND support.
We have high expectations and are ambitious for the success of all pupils whose needs are identified and supported effectively through a robust Graduated Response process within our Academy. This in turn, allows us to personalise teaching and learning to our pupils in order for them make strong progress within their learning. We recognise and celebrate the significance of every achievement that our pupils make towards identified outcomes, using BSquared to measure the small steps of academic progress.
All of our SEND pupils have access to a broad and a balanced curriculum. We ensure that the children get full exposure to all curriculum areas and allow flexibility in how children can showcase their learning. For example, when writing is a barrier pupils are encouraged to present their growing knowledge, skills and understanding in a variety of different ways.

Once children’s needs have been identified, we utilise a range of strategies to enable our SEND pupils to experience success. These strategies support both specific skills eg intervention, and the opportunity to give our SEND pupils the best chance at success. We provide children with Knowledge Organisers (adapted if required), for pre-teaching and consolidating links with their learning. We ensure that when an intervention does take place, it is not at the expense of the wider curriculum, and is incorporated into the wider curriculum where possible. We collect pupils’ views on how they feel that they are best supported. This feedback is shared with all stakeholders, and appropriate provision put in place wherever possible.
Our Morley Place families are at the centre of our approach, and we offer an open-door policy to parents and carers. Parents of children with SEND are consulted, both formally and informally to help our Academy to best support the needs of every pupil. Parents are invited to pupil consultations and support plan meetings to discuss progress, concerns and the best way to support their child, and parents are invited to contribute to the target planning.
Our team have developed effective working relationships with a wide range of outside agencies and professionals, who we refer to, or ask advice from as appropriate. As a result of this effective collaboration, alongside the robust planning and provision within our academy, requests for support and statutory assessment are acknowledged in a timely manner.
Our SENCO is: Sarah Fitzpatrick
She can be contacted at: Morley Place Academy, Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
Contact number: 01709 863400
More information can be found by clicking the link below: